Tuesday, March 17, 2009

sunset daze

Love the longer days. It's been warm enough to walk along the beach at sunset (although my hands are a bit icy by the time we return!). The other eve, Elem. Girl and I walked Charlie the Dog to the beach and before I knew it, the two were running down the shore and plunking into the frigid sea. My girl's nearly in middle school, so I'm savoring these times (although sandy, wet jeans--not so much ;).


Enjoyed DWTS last eve, and Melissa continues to amaze. Think with me here for a minute. What woman could be dumped on TV six weeks ago and then given three days notice to appear on DWTS, and look (& move) like that? Seriously, if it had been me, I would have been weighed down by all the fat & calorie-laden wallowing I'd been doing. Go, Melissa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great picture! Yes, I love the longer evenings now. Just need the beach to walk on and I'd be set...

I guess I'll settle for the cactus-filled open desert. :-)