Thursday, May 14, 2009

Farewell Danny

(Photo by Monique Erskine)

If you didn't get a chance to read my short but sweet article about a local Danny Gokey sighting (when this photo was taken), you can read it at this link.

Was American Idol hard to watch last night or what? First off, I love Kris. He's an amazing musician and has a beautiful voice. That said, I choked up when Danny got voted off and downright teary eyed when he sang You Are So Beautiful, especially in light of the recent passing of his wife, Sophie.

Adam's got one superb set of pipes, but his style is just not my thing. (Kind of like my sometimes quirky, always beachy books may not suit everyone. Ahem.) Nothing against him, just was hoping for a Kris/Danny sing off. Hey, a girl can dream!

Needless to say, but I'll say it anyway, I'm putting my extra votes (I had split them between Gokey and Allen) on Kris. How about YOU?


Sue said...

I was sad to see Danny go too. I could listen to his smokey voice all day long. My hubby kept reminding me that perhaps God didn't want Danny to go any farther so as not to get sucked up into that world. I'm hoping/praying Danny takes the route of Mandisa from Season 5 and comes out with some cool worship CDs!

If I could vote (but I can't... live in Canada), I would give my votes to Kris now too!

Sarah Wylie said...

I wasn't the biggest Danny fan but his last song made me a little emotional. With that said, I'm s'happy about the top 2. Kris 4 Season 8!! Although, of course, it's still Adam's competition to lose.

Chrystal K. said...

I did not get to watch the elimination episode this week, but I did watch the competition show. Every time I hear Danny sing a song about love, I literally start to cry, as I can’t help but to think about his tragic loss and what he must be feeling as he sings. I hope everything works out well for him, in his career and in his life.