Good times.
Now I suppose I should set my sights on Christmas shopping, something I'll probably do from the comfort of my own desk chair. I know...such a Scrooge am I! The "mall shopping gene" hopscotched over me and right into my daughters. Seriously, my 12 year old was up at 5 AM Friday to hit the mall. Crazy!!!
On the flip side, I have been Christmas selling (via my shop and ebay), and I like that very much. Ha ha! Biggest items so far are the beach signs (as always!), and even several copies of my chocolate beach reads have gone out the door.
How about you? What's big on your list ~ or your family's list this year? Saw a Twitter post that 85% of women are asking for electronics this year. Not me! Give me a nice Voluspa candle and Jan Karon's latest novel and I'm a happy girl!
So, what is on your list, my seaside loving friends?
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