Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Two flowers, five bucks

After all that walking at D'land, our dogs were wiped, so I took the girls for pedis. Hot pink for Teen niece, cool coral for Pre-teen (almost teen ;) daughter, and a sort of soft melon for moi. Elementary girl opted for a mani in a sweet watermelon shade. The girlies all got the flowers. Let me just say, we're well bonded now (not like we weren't before, but still.) After that, we noshed on pizzas, slurped cones at Marble Slab...then went to the beach and sandied up our new toes. Hey, we're on vacation.

Speaking of toesies, found this cool link to OPI studios where you can preview polishes on hands much too nice to be mine, but give the idea anyway. It's like a video game for gals. Men so don't get this. Anyway, thanks to mommy-to-two where I found the link. I'm off to try on some Dust Over Cairo...

1 comment:

Vintage Wine said...

Sounds like you had a great time!

And I like that link... Thanks for sharing :-)