So anyway. Love the addition of Captain Jack Sparrow to the ride. This is our second trip out to the big D in just a few months, so it's not the first time to get a gander at the ride's changes. Depp, as Sparrow, shows up in several places, and even though we know it's not him in flesh and blood--I mean, sheesh, how could it be?--man, it looks like him.
Tired as all get out as there's been barely a break between traveling and writing and parenting and everything, but it was our youngest's birthday, so there you go. We rode just about everything from Small World (getting an eensy bit boring, but, you know, it's tradition) to Space Mountain (so glad it's dark in there; best not to see all the twists and turns in that one!) to the Matterhorn (who doesn't like bobsledding in the alps?), and I do believe it's at least one of the happiest places on earth.
Today it's Teen Son's b'day--did I mention that we've got three b'days in a row in the Carobini house??? (If you saw the bags under my eyes you would've known, I tell ya). Anyway, not quite so much planned for him, but suffice to say, his "toys" are more expensive than Elementary Girl's so there's a reason for a more low key day ;) He's sixteen which means driving and dating and a whole lot more prayin' around here!
Tomorrow is my super-hot husband's b'day...if I don't post, just know it's because I'm at the mall. LOL Poor man deserves so much better. Having the third b'day in a line of 3 is probably as bad as having your day fall on Christmas. Thankfully he's happy enough to have the love of a good woman, lol (am I right, hon???)
Pirates of the Carobini is one of my favorites! Aren't you the coolest mom ever!
Hope your hubs has a great birthday.
Wow. They are keeping you busy!! Happy Birthday to all three of them. I hope they all have/had wonderful days!
They did a really good job of integrating Jack Sparrow into the ride. But ah - I do pine a little bit for the old way...
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