Katie's first book, A Promise to Remember, just released a few weeks ago--and I've got an extra copy to give away. Woo-hoo! Leave a comment at the end of this interview and I'll put your name into my lone winter hat. Elementary Girl will randomly choose a name sometime Monday afternoon, so be sure to check back. It could be you!
Okay, here's a peek at the back cover of A Promise to Remember:
Andie Phelps is the envy of Santa Barbara. A devoted mother with a loving son and a successful husband, her greatest joy comes from reaching out to others...
Melanie Johnston is the envy of no one. A single mom who works long hours to pay the bills, her greatest joys relate to her teen daughter and son.
Then the accident that changes everything. When opposite worlds collide, the impact reaches far beyond these mothers' personal losses.
Two wounded women...two families seeking hope...a community torn apart... How far will they go to fulfill: A Promise to Remember
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Crystal Johnson, armchairinterviews.com says "...once you start reading there is no way you won't be affected in some way .... Kathryn Cushman is bestseller material!"
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Since Katie writes serious, thought-provoking stories, I decided to ask her like-minded questions (not). Okay, here goes:
You used to be a pharmacist. How is a novelist different?
Ha! Fun question. It is different in almost every way.
Pharmacist-- feet ache from standing all day
Novelist-- backside aches from sitting all day
Pharmacist-- work long shifts, lucky to sneak in a bite of food occasionally
Novelist-- Spend the entire day eating cookies to "spark creativity" while working
Pharmacist-- might spend half an hour verifying an unclear order, or notifying a doctor's office about a serious drug interaction, then spend the next 10 minutes being berated by that patient for the long wait
Novelist-- spend half an hour writing a scene that treats a character abominably, then get an email from a reader saying how much it meant to them
LOL--I think you made a great career switch. Okay, next question, who and/or what inspires your writing choices? Most of my ideas have come from some little tidbit of real life-- something I've seen on the news or heard about somewhere. It usually involves a question I don't know how to answer, so I invent some characters who I hope will figure it out for me!
Think you'll ever delve into other genres? If yes, which one(s)?
When I first started writing, I wrote romantic suspense. In fact, I finished two romantic suspense manuscripts. But... when I started writing A Promise to Remember it was sort of that "Aha!" moment for me, when I finally realized I was writing exactly what I wanted to write. So, until I feel called in another direction, it's going to be rather serious women's fiction for me.
What's your favorite ice cream?
Baskin Robbins' German Chocolate Cake. My mouth waters just typing those words-- gee, I wish there was a Baskin Robbins near me!!!!!
That's okay since there's one near me. C'mon down, and I'll buy :) Here's another question, this one dear to my heart! If you were chocolate, which kind would you be? Why?
I'm milk chocolate-- a Hershey bar, actually. Nothing glitzy or glamorous like the imported or dark chocolates. Dependable, predictable-- but still lovable :-).
Yes, you are! One last thing, finish this: A good writing day is like ...
For me a good writing day is the day the dam bursts, and the ideas that have been blocked come pouring out so fast my fingers can't keep up. I love the tap, tap, tap of the keyboard moving at warp speed.
Me too, Katie! Thanks for stopping in--you're always welcome.
Thanks Jul!
If you'd like a copy of Katie's novel, please remember to comment--and to check back next week. Beachy weekend everyone!
would love to win a copy, thanks for the opportunity!
I would absolutely love to win this book. It sounds like a fantastic read.
Wow! Great interview! I look forward to reading your book! It sounds intriguing!
Great interview. I have noticed this book on the shelf at work. I work at a book store and I have been watching it FLY OFF THE SHELF for weeks now. I have definately taken notice. I appreciate the interview. Please put me in for the drawing. I would LOVE to read the book that is flying out the door and into peoples homes.
Aha...I'm not eating enough cookies; that must be why my creativity is a little low this morning :o)
I like the concept of this book and I can't wait to read it. I love reading authors first works...probably because I hope that soon I will have a new book for others to read! Please include me in the drawing.
Please enter me in the drawing. Sounds like a wonderful book!
I would love to win this book! Thanks for the chance!
great interview! i'd love to win this book!
ooops i forget to leave contact info hsmuda[at]gmail[dot]com
I don't think I left you any info! anjanette[dot]mensa[at]sbcglobal[dot]net! thanks!
well that was random. I guess my first post didn't go through! Sign me up for the contest!
I appologize profusely. I would absolutely love a chance to win this book. I am so so happy that being blind I finally figured out how to fill tis out.
I forgot to leve my contact info.
Oh, I sometimes berate myself for not going into pharmacy. I'm so glad I've made the better (albeit meager on the pay scale) choice!
Wonderful interview! I especially loved the contrast between pharmacist and novelist! There are corollaries between that and "home improvement warehouse cashier and novelist." :-) Especially the irate customers when you're trying to help them. I'm glad you made the switch!
Please enter me in the drawing! Thanks!
Well, I think carpoolers should get their name entered twice. Or maybe frequent commenters. ;-) Anything to up my chances at winning a copy of the book!
Great interview, you two.
That was fun! She took our photo for us and I'll always remember it! I'd love to read her book so I can bug you both the next time :)
Thanks Julie! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
would love a chance to win a copy, thanks.
I LOVE a good book! and a friend of Julie's has to be a good person. Would love a new author too! more to pass around with my small group friends and mom. They get a lot of mileage.It's more fun to share too. Reading about that part of the country will feel like home too. :) I'm sure I'll read it somehow! Thanks Julie for your recommendation!
I am very interested in reading Katie"s book, This sounds like great reading. It is next on my reading list.
Please enter me in the book drawing.
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