Had my car broken into the other day. Did I mention that already? (Can't remember.) Actually they didn't 'break' in, because I'd apparently left the door unlocked. When Teen Son got into the car and told me it was a mess, I didn't give it a second thought. I think I just rolled my eyes. Mess, yeah that's new. But when I got in, I saw what he meant. Someone had rifled through all my papers and glove box and thrown them every which way--even tore apart my dayplanner. That. was. not. nice.
They didn't get anything because I just don't leave large wads of cash unattended in my car (if I had large wads of cash, that is). But the whole experience felt yucky just the same, like I wanted to spray the insides of my car with oust or something.
So anyway, it's a new day with a nice empty bag inside my head waiting to be filled. Let's just hope I'll catch something worth talkin' about ;)
Ewww I remember how violated I felt when someone just keyed my car. I can't imagine having a thief inside my car. Glad you're ok & they didn't get anything. Yuck yuck yuck, febreeze it.
Sorry to hear that happened to you. Just awful.
Thanks gals! I ended up cleaning out my car afterward and found a bit of satisfaction in knowing how much junk the thief had to paw through. lol, yeah, that'll teach him not to come around here again...
Had the same happen with my house. We (used to) left the side door unlocked. They came in and helped themselves to our TV, sons gameboy, a dvd player. Nice.
Well, at least they didn't take the car! Rich (from MH) told about his daughter and son-in-law having to evacuate because of the fire threat. That night as they were staying at friends, their car was stolen. Later found stripped--engine, interior, all of it.
Insult to injury!
Smokes bad, isn't it. All the football games here have been postponed because of the unhealthful air.
I'm miles and miles from the nearest fire and smell smoke all the time. The sky is one smoggy veil.
Aw, I'm sorry about your car.
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