Teen Son's learning to use photoshop (
the secret of skinny, zit-free models everywhere :) Anyway, he hopped onto a drydocked sailboat, took this picture, worked a little software magic on it and--voila!--he's sailing in paradise. If only, eh?
Ah, well, here's to dreaming
big... Have a beachy weekend ... wherever you are!
That is SO cool! I like the way teen son thinks!!
He's doing a wonderful job!!
Excellent job! He got the sail lines in and everything. Looks real.
That isn't a bad skill to have. I understand that some people get paid for that sort of thing. For me it has primarily been a way to waste a bunch of hours that I should have spent doing something else, but I have put it to use on a few websites.
Excellent job! I so need to learn Photoshop - there are so many places I can picture myself . . . .
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