Sharon Hinck thinks I'm nice. Nice! If they had an award for sarcastic, I'd get it but...heehee. Okay, I'll take it. (Thanks Sharon, end-cap buddy ;)
“This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award.”
Now it's my turn to bestow this prestigious award upon some of the nice bloggers I know. Hm. How about...
Vader's Mom, who vows to get to Dallas to see me despite the horrendous traffic.
Deena, who sends sweet notes
Tricia Goyer who's been my writing pal for, like, forever.
Katie Cushman who's agreed to take a public speaking class with me and commiserate afterward with, as she puts it, post-mortification chocolate.
Vail, who always has something cool to say
C.J. Darlington, who loves words
Jamie Driggers who needs some serious sleep
*yawn* thanks.
*yawn* what makes you think I need sleep? *yawn*
Thanks so much! I really appreciate it and I will see you in Dallas...the day before I see the Big Cheese!! You'll be the start of my vacation :)
Thanks so much! :)
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