Friday, September 14, 2007

Book clubs have sprung up all around the world. I love it when I hear that a group has chosen to read my book, and I've even been invited to meet the readers at a couple of these. (In case you missed it, you can read about the Chocolate Beach feast here.)

With my next novel
, Truffles by the Sea, book clubs won't need to come up with their own questions because I'm writing some for them. I got so many requests, that it made sense. Rather than putting them in the book and possibly spoiling the story (ugh), they'll be posted on my publisher's site and my own.

But that's still
a few months off. I'll let you know when it's all spit and polished for you :)

Btw, this picture of a dock rolling out to sea caught my eye because it reminds me of Gaby's home in my upcoming release. Her life may have hit some snags, but God just provided this great place to live--says so in Chap. 1 (no spoilers here!) Don't you just want to dive in? Sigh. Me too.

Have a beachy weekend!


Vintage Wine said...

I want to live like that! :-)

I can't wait to find out more about Gaby's story!

Anonymous said...

Dive into that water and that book!! I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to your blog and I love it! I'd like to be on the end of that dock dangling my feet above the water, inhaling the salty air with a satisfied sigh at the view before me, the scenery and your book!

Damselfly said...

Ooh, a teaser for the book! How exciting.

I love it when a picture transports me to a place and makes me want to write about it.