But one common bond surfaced this week--and this just pumps a mama's heart--when Teen Son discovered a copy of Chocolate Beach in the camp bookstore up at Forest Home. (Hey, moms at Family Camp could use a good chick read :) Anyway, as they tell it--finishing each other's sentences and all--Pre-Teen (almost Teen!) daughter happened to be in the store at the same time (a miracle in itself), and the two threw up an insane amount of hoots and hollers together over the discovery of their mom's book in their favorite camp bookstore.
They say that families that camp together, stay together, and I'm thinking I'm seeing the evidence of that! :]]
Speaking of families sticking together, our friends, Kyle & Suzanne Duncan, will be flying to Kiev with their girls Sunday night to adopt a son. Please pray for smooth preparations and travel, with no illness or delays, and that the adoption search goes as God has planned. Appreciated!
Today's a carnival over at blogging chicks so be sure to stop on by and see what the other chickadees are up to, 'kay?
Well, that's a great reason to celebrate!! My cousin got Chocolate Beach and stayed up the night she got it to finish. She couldn't put it down!!!
:) neat!
Here from the Blogging Chicks
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