Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Christmas Glee

I knew I'd enjoy this week's episode of GLEE when they opened with that song about misfit toys from Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. My dad always put the Christmas tree together while we kids watched that and other Christmas classics, so to this day I can sing most of those songs off the top of my noggin. I realize now that he planned it that way, not just for our enjoyment, but also so we couldn't bug him as much while he struggled with our plastic tree. Lol ...

Anyhoo, there wasn't much (okay, nothing) about Jesus in the episode, but in addition to the standard Santa stuff (Brittany still believes in him ~ shocker), there was a sweet spirit to the episode. Especially in regards to that shrew Sue. How fun to see her dressed up like the Grinch and trying to convince Cindy Lu Who (Brittany) that she was trashing her living room so she could replace a burnt out bulb on the Christmas tree ...

Classic stuff. One of the final scenes, when the cast sings to the faculty, was sweet and poignant. It represented the spirit of giving inspired by the best Giver of all. Loved it.

Be Merry, my friends ~ wherever you are ...

1 comment:

Sue said...

I liked it too Julie. It felt like an old Season 1 episode and not the forced, down-your-throat agenda episodes that have mostly been the 2nd season. I liked the Grinch twist!