Years ago I read a book about a gal and a guy on the rodeo circuit. Half way through I recall flipping to the back cover to see if I could find any hints of where the story was going (I know, bad reader,
bad). Anyhoo, imagine my surprise when I found that the back cover copy listed a different name for the heroine. My guess is the author changed it, but somehow that info didn't make it to the design folks.
So yesterday I learned that a similar thing happened with review galleys of
Sweet Waters. The change has been caught, so the snafu won't show up on bookstore shelves, but those who venture to read a preview might notice that one of the characters (not the heroine) has a different name on the back cover.
So here are questions for the contest: Which do you think is the name I
really gave the hero, a firefighter, in
Sweet Waters--Trent or Josh? And why did you pick that name?
The rules: Give me your pick, and the reason why. I'll put all the correct answers in a hat (or similar) and randomly choose one for your choice of either
Chocolate Beach or
Truffles by the Sea to keep for yourself or give away. Easy peasy!
Just so you know, some online sites still list the wrong name--so looking up the book might just lead you astray! (IOW, no cheating ;))
So what's your guess and why?Contest ends Thursday at noon pst.