Tuesday, November 06, 2007

workin' 9 to 5

The Galley is in! So to celebrate I've curled up with a novel and plan to stay this way all the livelong day. LOL--not. But, oh, how nice that would be (she said, wistfully).

Actually, the dryer broke, and I paid a repair guy 50 bucks to come out here and tell me it's dead. So today I'm on the hunt for a bargain. And I need to restock the empty fridge with food, and to clean dustbunnies that have multiplied throughout my neglected house, and to pay the bills. Sigh. My work is never done...;)

Can you relate or what?


Rachel Hauck said...

Congrats on the galley! Just turned in mine too.

Sad to hear about your dryer. Once our washing machine went on the fritz so we bought a new refrigerator. Yeah, still laughing over that one.

Hugs, RAchel

Chaos-Jamie said...

Boy can I relate. Aside from the galley thing, of course. ;)