Monday, November 12, 2007

It's in the air...

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program for a bit of swooning. Have y'all heard about the guy from NY who fell for a gal he saw on a subway train in NY...lost sight of her...then started a website to find her? He did. Find her that is, and to prove it, they went on GMA together (If I'd written their story, I probably would have given them a more romantic place to rendezvous, but that's just me.)

Anyway, wish I'd thought of it, but something tells me they'll write their own book. ..

video of GMA interview of nygirlofmydreams guy & gal


Anonymous said...

Wow GMA that's a lot of pressure to stay together, I think I saw a movie like that once, blast the fact that Utah doesn't have a subway

Dionna said...

Had not heard about that! Wow. Crazy! :)