Saturday, July 28, 2012

Are you watching???

Swimming - check. Beach volleyball - check. SOCCER -- check, check!

All those fit people make me want to go out and run farther than my puny two mile beach run. Can you relate?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My girls won two tickets to the American Idol concert tonight, so I made the 2+ hour drive with them in rush hour traffic - with College Girl at the wheel - in order for them to arrive by 7.  And my laptop and I've been at Starbucks ever since ... good thing I'm a gold card member =).

I've never been the Coffee House Office type of gal, but it's worked well for me tonight: free wi-fi, electrical outlet, chai tea ... a restroom, lol.  Who needs to pay rent? I've gotten tons done for only $2.95!

Here's to impromptu concerts and late nights with plenty of caffeine ... 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Morning Glory

When I stepped outside this morning for my run, Charlie the Dog wasn't happy ... because it was raining. Raining ... at the beach ... in July. Suddenly, we're from the east coast! We're not used to this in Cali, and my dog is a big baby when it comes to water. Doesn't like it. Weird, right?

But it didn't faze me. I love running in the rain. As a bonus, the sun was shining ... and there were TWO rainbows over the sea. Two sweet neighbors, both older gentlemen, stopped me on my run today. "See the rainbows?" they asked. Lovely.

The only bummer is I didn't have a camera with me. The good news is that my friend, Patricia ~  in the next town over ~ woke up early and saw the rainbows too. Her backyard faces the west, so she stepped out onto her desk and snapped a few photos ~ and voila ~ she sent them my way.

In Genesis, God said, "... When the rainbow appears in the cloud, I'll see it and remember the eternal covenant between God and everything living, every last living creature on Earth." 

No wonder rainbows in the sky make us so happy (well, except for Charlie the dog =). Have a beachy week, my friends ... wherever you are.